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 HOME > products > Processed Glass > Tempered Glass

TEMPERED GLASS is made by heating flat glass to just below its softening temperature (650 °c) and suddenly chilling it with jets of cold air. It results in the outer skins under powerful compressive stress and the interior with severe tensile stress. In consequence, the impact applied to the glass will be overcome by the compressive stress on the surfaces to assure safety of use. It is ideal for areas with high wind loads and areas where human contacts are an important consideration.
Glass Types: Float Glass, Pattern Glass
Colors: Clear, Extra Clear, Bronze, Grey, Blue and Green etc
Thickness: 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 19mm
Size: max. 2440x3600mm could be produced as per request.
 5 times harder than ordinary float glass, stronger resistance to thermal breakage than annealed or heat strengthened glass.
 Once breakage occurs, the glass disintegrates into small cubical fragments, which are relatively harmless to human body.
 It withstands abrupt temperature change of 220 Centigrade.
 Sizes are produced as per customer request. Once tempered, it can not be cut down.
China GB15763.2-2005 and 9963-1998; Europe EN 12600: 2002, 16 CFR 1201; America ASTM C1048; UK BS 6206: 1995